Friday, October 21, 2011

Report from AICCCA President's New York Press Tour

Early in October, President Dave Jones spent two days of intensive interviews and filming in New York City.  The intent was to reinforce friendships with many of the financial and consumer affairs writers that he speaks to on a regular basis.  And, there were also some new faces that he needed to meet in person so that the AICCCA message can continue to flourish in the media.  New York City is home to the most influential and widely accessed media about consumer financial issues.

This tour of major news outlets (USA Today, Associated Press, CNN Television, Bloomberg Print, author Beth Kobliner, Credit, and ABC Television to name just a few) is a follow-up to a similar Media tour undertaken in Washington, D.C earlier this year.  Such meetings cement AICCCA’s relationships with important media personalities to ensure that the Association best represents the efforts of its members to provide world-class support to the Nation’s debt-burdened consumers.  Both Washington, D.C. and New York City are major hubs for the financial and consumer services media.

Dave was accompanied on the New York City media Tour by AICCCA Public Relations Director Ken Scott who arranged the grueling two-day slate of interviews and videotaping sessions.  Several stories quoting Dave from these meetings have already been published and many more are scheduled in the coming weeks.  This exposure is essential to keep AICCCA members first in the minds of consumers who need credit counseling help and education.  These meetings were particularly important as consumer financial issues due to the current economic turmoil are critical to the legislative process as well as the financial services media.

(To see photos from the press tour, click here!).